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  • TeoStan

Farewell Remarks of Ambassador George Cristian Maior



Opening Plenary Session: June 4th 2021

The 2021 annual conference was formally opened, as in all previous instances, by His Excellency Ambassador of Romania to the United States of America Professor George Cristian Maior. His remarks came as a farewell address to the diaspora after completing with commendable professional results a six-year mission, one of the longest tenures in this post, one that spans multiple administrations both in Romania and in the United States.

Ambassador Maior centered his address on the role of the Romanian diaspora and of the American expats in consolidating the strategic alliance between the two countries. He mentioned major developments in security related technology and scientific cooperation, especially steps secured with regards to energy security with regional implications, including the opening of a nine billion dollars credit line for Romania to assist the country in using new technologies in consolidating its energy independence. He believes this support sets the country on a path to becoming one of the major energy producers and exporters in Southeastern Europe. Addressing diplomatic challenges during the pandemic, the test proved an opportunity to quickly adapt, communicate and coordinate efforts to alleviate the impact of the pandemic. Both countries coordinated in critical logistic support and strategic alliance proved its worth beyond rhetoric and showed its palpable deliverables. Looking at post-pandemic prospects Ambassador Maior believes there are great opportunities and avenues where the bilateral ties may yet deepen. He relayed the message to his successor that the signals sent by the diaspora are vital in directing the evolution of Romania as a modern society and in achieving the further deepening of bilateral ties. On a personal note, Ambassador Maior professed himself as a steadfast member of the scientific diaspora, and that as a former graduate of an American university, he is vested in continuing academic ties in his field of expertise, irrespective of where he will be appointed next in his diplomatic career.

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